This article is basically about how to pay via Credit Cards without having a PayPal account or needing to creating a PayPal account. But of course, if you have a PayPal account then it is fine too.
When you are in panel and at the step of paying an order, you are now seeing two options, one is from Account Balance, the other is via PayPal. So if you have a valid Credit Card but does not have a PayPal account, you can still use PayPal option to check out via CreditCard while you need to have a PayPal account or create a PayPal account. Below is the step,
1. Payment method choose credit card.
2. You are now at Pay with PayPal page. Choose "Pay with Credit or Debit Card" option.
3. You will be redirected to a form page. Please fill out the form with card and shipping information. Now, if you don't want to create a PayPal account, please UNCHECK "Save info & create your PayPal account". Click "Continue as Guest". The payment will be processed well.