• TLS/SSL Certificate Brands
    • RapidSSL - simple site security for less. It provides basic level customer confidence with the https, closed padlock and a static trust mark.
    • A range of digital certificate and trust products enable organizations of all sizes to maximize the security of their digital transactions cost-effectively.
    • The ideal solution for enterprises and large organizations. The Internet most recognized and trusted SSL brand.
    • A quick, cost-efficient, and effective solution to build secure connection. PositiveSSL certificates show your customers you’re employing serious security measures to keep their transactions and data safe.
    • SECTIGO, formerly COMODO CA, Creating trust online for individuals, e-merchants, enterprise, with its robust SSL security.
    • i
      How organizations best manage their certificate lifecycle?

      Download E-book
  • Certificate Products
    • Single Domain SSL
      One for main domain with free 'www' coverage.
    • Wildcard SSL
      Protect unlimited sub domains under main website.
    • Multi-Domain SSL
      One certificate for multiple domain names.
    • Domain Validation SSL
      It is quick and cost-efficient, really. Basic protection.
    • Organization Validation SSL
      It gives your website an online idenity. For SMBs to strengthen web trust.
    • Extended Validation SSL
      Stand out your buiness entity, protect brand and transactions.
    • Email (Client) Certificate
      Encrypt and signed email, enable two-factor authentication, and implement strong digital trust practices throughout your organization.
    • Code Signing Certificate
      Boost Software Adoption and improve customer's trust with Code Signing. Digitally sign Code across popular platforms.
  • Domain
    • Domain Reseller
      Reseller Pricing & TLDs
    • Transfer Domain
      Transfer domain into BestCert
  • Site Builder
  • PKI Solutions
  • Partner

FAQ about SSL Certificate Renewal:

Q: What happens to the time remaining on the old SSL certificate upon renewal?

A: The remaining time on the old certificate will be carried over to the new certificate, but the new certificate cannot exceed the maximum validity period of 397 days.

Q: What happens if I let my SSL certificate expire?

A: The browser will stop recognizing it as a secure site but warn the user to close it. As TLS/SSL certificate expires, connection inbetween will not be encrypted, and ultimately you put you and your customer endure high risk. This is why we strongly recommend renew your certificate before the certificate expires. However, if your SSL certificate has expired, you should renew it immediately.

Q: What happens if I don't renew my SSL certificate?

A: Your SSL certificate will expire and your client's web browser will display an eye-catching 'not secure' WARNING of your website. This damages the confidence and trust of your customers, who may never visit your website again. All of this can end up ruining your brand reputation and let you suffer from business loss.

Does CA run validation again for a renewal?

Yes, CA does. Rest assured, we will assist you in completing validation seamlessly whether it is domain control verification or organization validation.

Q: Why do I need to renew my SSL certificate before it expires?

A: The main reason you want to renew early is to give yourself enough time to issue and install the certificate. The consequences of certificate becomes invalid is a very serious issue. The best period for certificate renewal is within 30 days of its expiration date. Don't worry about losing the remaining days of current certificate, that part will be added up.

Q: Do I need to generate a new certificate signing request?

A: Some servers and applications do require you to generate a new CSR. If any of your business information changes, you also need to generate a new CSR. If neither your server nor your configuration has changed, then technically you can continue to use the previous CSR and private key. From the perspective of risk control, we still recommend that you generate a new CSR and paired private key every time you require to renew or resissue certificate. You can leave it all to us for processing, when you place an order, our platform will automate it all.

Q: Can I upgrade my SSL certificate while renewal?

A: Yes, of course! The upgrade includes the upgrade to OV, EV TLS/SSL certificate and/or you want to secure more domain names. Should you need any advice or information on upgrade TLS/SSL certificate, please feel free to use our SSL Wizard or contact our 24*7 expert support.

Q: Can I switch it to different product when renewing certificate which was issued by another CA?

Yes, you sure can! The process is exactly the same as a new purchase than a renewal.

Q: Why can't you just extend the expiration time of the TLS/SSL certificate and send over a new one directly?

A: No, that is not TLS/SSL works. SSL certificates must be issued by a trusted Certificate Authority. This is one of main reasons that browsers trust their issued certificate. The certificate contains information which must be accurate and up-to-date. ) for strict verification, so as to be compliant with CA/B standard and regulations. This is why the SSL certificate is trusted.

Q: What shall I do to renew my SSL certificate?

A: It is easy for you to operate renewal. All you need to do is log into your account panel and select the certificate you want to renew. Click on the "Renew Certificate" option and we will do the rest.

Q: When can I renew my SSL certificate?

A: The best practice to conduct renewal is when the certificate is within its 30 days of expiration date. This is to give you sufficent time period to issue and install a new certificate in case any unexpected interruption. You can carry over any remaining time to the new certificate.

A: Is there any other suggestions for renewal?

Answer: Yes, don't wait the last minute to renew your SSL certificate. Keep in mind that renewal process, validation and installation takes time. If you hold your renewal until the end, it's likely a security 'disaster' would occurs. There is always this disastrous cases happened in industry regarding TLS/SSL certificates failes because of expiration.

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