• TLS/SSL Certificate Brands
    • RapidSSL - simple site security for less. It provides basic level customer confidence with the https, closed padlock and a static trust mark.
    • A range of digital certificate and trust products enable organizations of all sizes to maximize the security of their digital transactions cost-effectively.
    • The ideal solution for enterprises and large organizations. The Internet most recognized and trusted SSL brand.
    • A quick, cost-efficient, and effective solution to build secure connection. PositiveSSL certificates show your customers you’re employing serious security measures to keep their transactions and data safe.
    • SECTIGO, formerly COMODO CA, Creating trust online for individuals, e-merchants, enterprise, with its robust SSL security.
    • i
      How organizations best manage their certificate lifecycle?

      Download E-book
  • Certificate Products
    • Single Domain SSL
      One for main domain with free 'www' coverage.
    • Wildcard SSL
      Protect unlimited sub domains under main website.
    • Multi-Domain SSL
      One certificate for multiple domain names.
    • Domain Validation SSL
      It is quick and cost-efficient, really. Basic protection.
    • Organization Validation SSL
      It gives your website an online idenity. For SMBs to strengthen web trust.
    • Extended Validation SSL
      Stand out your buiness entity, protect brand and transactions.
    • Email (Client) Certificate
      Encrypt and signed email, enable two-factor authentication, and implement strong digital trust practices throughout your organization.
    • Code Signing Certificate
      Boost Software Adoption and improve customer's trust with Code Signing. Digitally sign Code across popular platforms.
  • Domain & Email
    • Domain Name Registration
      Get your perfect domain name
    • Domain Reseller
      Reseller Pricing & TLDs
    • Transfer Domain
      Transfer domain into BestCert
    • Business Email
      Business Email builds customer trust
  • Site Builder
  • PKI Solutions
  • Partner

SSL动态签章是一种基于SSL证书的安全技术,是您可以在您的网站上显示的视觉标记,表明该网站是安全的并且运营该网站的实体的身份是真实的,让用户知道通过该网站传输的交易、购买和个人数据受到加密和保护 仅与真正的网站运营商共享。 它可以在网站上动态地显示证书的相关信息,包括证书的颁发机构、有效期、加密算法等。这种技术可以有效地提高网站的安全性,防止恶意攻击和欺诈行为。每个 SSL 证书都包含签章(SSL Site Seal),不收取额外费用。


1. 提高网站的可信度:SSL签章可以让用户在访问网站时看到证书的相关信息,从而增加用户对网站的信任度,提高网站的可信度。

2. 防止恶意攻击:SSL签章可以防止恶意攻击,如中间人攻击、DNS劫持等,保护用户的信息安全。

3. 防止欺诈行为:SSL签章可以防止欺诈行为,如钓鱼网站、仿冒网站等,保护用户的财产安全。


1. 购买SSL证书:首先需要购买一份SSL证书,可以选择自己搭建证书颁发机构(CA)或者购买第三方CA颁发的证书。

2. 安装SSL证书:将SSL证书安装到服务器上,可以使用Apache、Nginx等Web服务器。

3. 配置SSL签章:在Web服务器的配置文件中添加SSL动态签章的相关配置,如下所示:

4. 根据您的 SSL 品牌选择您的SSL签章,在相应的品牌站点生成签章代码之后部署到您的网站上即可。

Sectigo 签章站点:https://ssl.comodo.com/site-seal


RapidSSL 签章站点:https://knowledge.SSL.com/solution/SO14424.html

Geo-trust 签章站点:https://www.geotrust.com/support/seal/agreement/installation-instructions/

5. 测试SSL动态签章:在浏览器中访问网站,可以看到SSL动态签章的相关信息,如证书的颁发机构、有效期、加密算法等。



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